Car accidents happen every day on the roads. They are one of the major causes of injuries and premature deaths in the UK. Often, we think about the driver of a car being able to make a compensation claim for any injuries. Passengers are at least as likely to sustain injuries during a road traffic accident. However and usually have a great deal less control and influence over the events leading to the accident. We offer Passenger Accident Claims and make sure you get perfect compensation.
If you get injury in a car accident as a passenger, you are likely to be able to claim compensation. You may have many questions about the process of making a claim. It seems more complex as a passenger than as a driver. We are here to help. Call us on 0121 565 4317 or claim online to arrange your free, no obligation consultation. We will talk though the details of your situation and answer any questions you might have. Our expert team of personal injury solicitors is here to help set your mind at rest. They give you an honest, accurate assessment of the likelihood of you winning your case and how much compensation you might expect to receive.
Common Injuries Sustained As A Passenger In A Car Accident
There is a huge variety of injuries you might sustain as a result of your car accident as a passenger in a car. They are very similar to those sustained by drivers in a road traffic accident because you are in a very similar situation. Common injuries include:
This is an injury to the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your shoulders and neck, caused by your head moving faster than your body in different directions. Whiplash is not usually a dangerous injury, but it can be very painful and can restrict your movement and leave you in pain for several months. It is often associated with headaches, difficulty moving the head and neck and even pain in the arms and shoulders. You should get physiotherapy to help you heal quickly from whiplash injuries, but waiting lists on the NHS can be very long. Obtaining a compensation payment for your car passenger accident can help you to get the help you need to make a full and speedy recovery.
Head Injuries
Head injuries range from relatively minor bumps to concussions, compressions and even brain damage and fatal injuries. Minor head injuries often lead to headaches and soreness, but concussions and compressions can come with dizziness, confusion and extreme drowsiness. If you have suffered any form of head injury in your car passenger accident, it is essential that you seek medical attention to make sure that there are no serious underlying conditions to worry about. While the majority of head injuries recover reasonably quickly, they can be painful while they last and serious head injuries can have major, life altering consequences.
Chest Injuries
Seat belts have done much to increase safety for those involved in a car accident, whether as a passenger or as a driver. While they have reduced the number of serious head injuries and fatalities, they can lead to some chest injuries which can be both painful and slow to heal. These could be as minor as cuts and bruises or can be more serious, including broken bones or punctured lungs.
Spinal Injuries
In addition to whiplash, mentioned above, there are a wide range of other spinal injuries that can occur as a result of being a passenger in a car involved in a road traffic accident. These can include disk herniation or spinal fracture. These injuries can be serious, requiring extensive time off from work and rehabilitation. These can lead to significant financial difficulties that it is important you are compensated for.
Abrasions are cuts or scratches to the skin. These sound like minor injuries, and many are, there is the risk of serious abrasions should you be thrown from the car as a consequence of your road traffic accident. Additionally, any items inside car may cause all manner of cuts and bruises.
Crush Injuries To Limbs
In very serious car accidents, either the driver or the passenger (or both) may be trapped within the vehicle. They may suffer a crush injury as the structure of the car sometimes fold in upon you. Crush injuries are extremely serious and can be life threatening if not treated properly by expert medical staff.
While exceptionally rare, car injuries are one of the most common causes of amputation in the UK. Amputation is where all or part of a limb is either removed during the course of an accident (this is known as traumatic amputation) or where it must be removed by doctors in an operating theater during your recovery as it cannot be repaired and may pose a risk to your health. Amputation of part or all of a limb is extremely serious and a deeply distressing situation that requires a lot of work to adapt to. The compensation payments you receive for being a passenger in a car accident and making a personal injury claim can go some way towards making it easier to get your life back on track following your accident or injury.
This is not an exhaustive list of the possible injuries you may have sustained as a result of being a passenger in a car involved in a road traffic accident. If your injury is not listed, or if you have any other questions, call us on 0121 565 4317. You can also use our online claims form. We will discuss the details of your case with our friendly, experienced team of personal injury solicitors.
Who Would I Claim Against As The Passenger In A Car Accident
When making a compensation claim for a personal injury, such as those sustained as a result of being a passenger in a car involved in a road traffic accident, you would be claiming against the person who was responsible for the accident. This could be:
- The person driving the other vehicle. This could be, for example, if the other driver were to drive into the back of the vehicle you were travelling in. In this example, the blame would fairly obviously lie with the driver of the other car and it is likely that their insurance company would quickly accept liability (this is the legal term for accepting that someone is at fault).
- The driver of the car you were travelling in. This can feel very difficult to make a claim against a friend or family member if they are responsible. It is important to remember that all drivers are should have insurance to cover any injuries they may cause to others. So it means that your friend or family member are not paying out of their own pocket.
- The council or the owner of the road. If unrepaired potholes cause your accident, you may be able to make a claim against. It would be against the person or organisation responsible for the upkeep of the road. In most cases, this will be the local council.
When to claim
There may be many people potentially responsible for your accident or injury. It can be complicated to make a firm legal claim against any one of them. Parties will blame each other. This is normal but does not help you to get the compensation you need. Here our team of expert personal injury solicitors comes in. They are able to cut through excuses and justifications. Team makes sure that we have the evidence required to place the blame exactly where it belongs. Make a compensation claim for personal injury sustained as a passenger in a car involved in a road traffic accident. Call us on 0121 565 4317 or claim online. Our claims team will understand the details of your case. Team will give you an honest, unbiased assessment of the likelihood of you winning your case. They will also tell how much compensation you are likely to receive.
What If I Can’t Afford To Make A Car Passenger Accident Claim?
We understand that the period following any form of accident, especially a road traffic accident can be difficult. It could affect you both emotionally and financially. This justice does not depend if you can afford to pay money upfront to get the best legal advice. As a result, we offer our services on a no win no fee basis to the majority of our clients. This means that you are able to seek compensation for what happened to you. You will not suffer worry about suffering financial hardship as a result. If we are unable to get you the compensation you deserve, you won’t have to pay a penny.
Start your personal injury compensation claim as the passenger in a car involved in a road traffic accident. Call us on 0121 565 4317 or use our free online claims form for a call back.
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